

2023-05-24 在职证明


在职证明通用模板 篇1

请用单位抬头纸打印后签字并加盖公章 红字部分请做相应的修改!


Dear Sir or Madam:

Mr.Jiang Zhimin(Date of birth: 11 Mar 1954, Passport No.G56105967)is department manager of our company.He has worked in our company since 2004.His salary is about 6100/M.Because of the holiday, we agree that he will go to European countries for a trip.The time is from 16 Jul 2005 to 30 Jul 2005, about 10 days.During the journey, all the costs and accommodations will be paid by himself.We hereby formally guarantee that he will abide by all outbound laws and regulations and will come back to China on time, we will reserve his position after his returning.Yours sincerely,Person in charge: Mr.Yu Hong 宇红

Position: General Manager

Tel: 0574-6222858

Yuyao Seastar Textile Foreign Co.,Ltd

Add: 2# South Shunshui Rd Yuyao Zhejiang

Tel: 0574-6222858Fax: 0574-62285843

在职证明通用模板 篇2



Certificate of incumbency

Indonesia Embassy in china:

I have my staff passport number: XXX, G0XXXXXXX, duties as deputy general manager, a monthly income of $XXXX; in March 9th to 12 days of traveling to Indonesia for businevisits, I guarantee the company returned on time, do not violate local laws and regulations. My company retained their positions, please give the visa facilitation.

Company address: XXXX

Phone: XXXX

XXXX company

In 2010 February 25


Embassy / General Consulate of Indonesia

February 25, 2010

Dear Visa Officer,

This is to certify that Mr . XX XX is an employee of our company, he will visit Indonesia from March 9th-12th, 2010 for 4 ( four ) days.

Our company will be responsible for all the expenses related to Mr XX XX 's stay in Indonesia, including but not limited to board, lodging and airf-are.

Please be informed that below is his important information:

Passport: G0XXXX No.

Date of Birth: 22 July, 1962

Gender: Male

Position: Deputy General Manager

Salary: XXX RMB / Month

Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicant will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep his position upon the trip is finished.

Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.

Sincerely yours.



Date: Date

The Embassy ( General Consulate ) of Beijing ( Shanghai / Guangzhou /... )

This is to certify that are employees of our company names, units or individuals introduced, they will visit, city in visit date days days . During they stay for in the travel expenses will, all be covered by our company.

Sex Name Date of birth Passport No . Profession

( personal data )

Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicants will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep their position upon the trip is finished.

Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.

Company name

Leadership position



This is the common businevisa working certificate.

Tourist visa certificate of incumbency in some countries require job, monthly pay


Date: Date

The Embassy ( General Consulate ) of Beijing ( Shanghai / Guangzhou /... )

This is to certify that are employees of our name, company, they ( he / she ) will visit, city in visit date for stay days.

Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicants will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep their position upon the trip is finished.

Salary: XXXX / month position:

Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.

Company name

Leadership position



The visa working certificate / guarantee pattern generally similar, but that the identity, position, salary, the unit will retain the position, the rise of pa-pe-r signed OK

Beijing send signed by embassy beijing

Shanghai / Guangzhou send signed with general consulate Shanghai / guangzhou ...

在职证明通用模板 篇3






在职证明通用模板 篇4

Certificate of employment

Date: MM DD 2014

To: Embassy of the United States

Dear Sir or Madam:

This is to certify that Mr./MS. XXX is a staff(也可以写具体职务)/civil servant in our company/Bureau since the year of MM YYYY. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXX.

His/Her information is listed as below:

Name                    Sex                    Date of Birth                    Passport No                    XXX                    Male/Female                    MM DD YYYY                    XXX                    

He/She will travel to the United State from MM DD YYYY to MM DD YYYY as his/her vacation leave, and all the travelling expenses, including airplane tickets and accommodation, will be covered by himself/herself.

We also guarantee that we will retain his/her position till the end of the holiday, and he/she will be back to China and work at the company/bureau on schedule.

Yours sincerely

XXX 这里加XXX签名  (XXX 是领导的名字的'拼音)

YYY  (YYY是领导的职务)

ZZZ  这里加公章 (ZZZ 是单位名字)

Address: XXXX, 邮编, China

Tel: 区号-电话号码

在职证明通用模板 篇5





在职证明通用模板 篇6





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